A.I (part-2)

How to use A.I Efficiently (A.I -AKA- Artificial Intelligence)

How can you get started?

The first thing you need to do is learn a programming language. Though there are a lot of languages that you can start with, Python is what many prefer to start with because its libraries are better suited to Machine Learning.

Introduction to Bots

A BOT is the most basic example of a weak AI that can do automated tasks on your behalf. Chatbots were one of the first automated programs to be called “bots.” You need AI and ML for your chatbots. Web crawlers used by Search Engines like Google are a perfect example of a sophisticated and advanced BOT.

How can you build your first bot?

You can start learning how to create bots in Python through the following tutorial in the simplest way.

There are many benefits of A.I like:

Vehicle Recognition Identification AI is also used by many traffic cameras to read license plates. Social Media All the feeds you see on your social media accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. etc


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